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Since our theater’s founding in 1928, the Schenectady Civic Players box office has been staffed by a dedicated core of volunteers. For many years that worked just fine. But changing times (and technology), bring different needs and demands.   

By augmenting our volunteer staff with the professional sales team at Proctors, Playhouse patrons have more options and added conveniences when purchasing single tickets to our shows.

Subscribe to SCP

You can subscribe or renew you existing seats online.

Subscribe Now

If you are an existing subscriber, click on the link above and use the "Login to renew" button on the left side.  You will be assigned your same seats as last season.

If you are not already a subscriber, you may create a new subscription online by clicking the link above and using the "New Subscription" button on the right.

In either case, please use the "Forgot My Password" button if you don't know your login information.

Purchase tickets from SCP

Order tickets from SCP securely 24/7 via the web

If you encounter issues creating an account on our website, please use the Forgot Password link.  We may already have your email address on file.

Purchase tickets at our box office.  Our box office opens 90 minutes prior to each performance

Purchase tickets from Proctors

Order tickets during the day at (518) 346-6204 and speak to a knowledgeable ticketing rep

Buy tickets in person during the day (and anytime Proctors is open – during the Schenectady Green Market, a trip to the movies or a Proctors event) at the Proctors Box Office in Downtown Schenectady.

In order to support this service, Proctors charges a small handling charge - BUT consider this:

Unlike the handling charges of TicketMaster, Vendini and other internet-based ticketing services – “Tickets by Proctors” handling charges stay LOCAL – supporting local jobs, the local economy AND the local arts not-for-profit community. For over 85 years, Proctors has been a cornerstone of the Capital Region arts and culture - we are indebted to what they have done for our community – and here at The Playhouse we are grateful for their support of our artistic efforts.

There is NO handling charge for tickets purchased to Playhouse events in person at Proctors Box Office. Handling charges apply to internet and phone sales ONLY.

NOTE : All tickets sold by “Tickets by Proctors” are a final sale – there are no refunds or exchanges.

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Playhouse: 12 S Church St, Schenectady, NY 12305
Mail Payments To: PO Box 927, Schenectady, NY 12301.

(518) 382-2081

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